
Friday, August 22, 2014

welcome to cropping and pleach

Yesterday I moved into my new home in Winter Garden, Florida for the next few months. I had a strange day inhabiting an empty apartment while my three mystery roommates were all at work. I went to Target and bought tons of groceries. Toto, we're not in Brooklyn anymore. It was supposedly one of the hottest days that Florida has seen in years. I surprisingly appear to live in the backwoods, near cows, horses, falcons, large stagnant lakes, dragonflies, and a swampy jungle that croaks at night. The country driving roads are all sinuous and intimidating. After getting home one of my new roommates, Sinay, invited me to join her and her engineering intern friends at the complex's swimming pool, which was piss warm at 10pm at night. We bobbed around while the Big Dipper was large and low in the sky and mosquitoes ate millions of holes in our faces.
i didn't do this to our window
using my blanket from undergrad because that's the last time i slept in a twin bed
guess which side of the dresser is mine?
sigh where'd my wardrobe go
snail on our balcony
more red-throated lizards than you can shake a stick at
always nice skies
big magnolia trees
crazy jungle marsh next door
stagnant water lake at the end of the block
real air plants growing on everything
more marsh forest

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