apparently she found me sleeping on the floor of my room. i'd taken off my dress and grabbed a new one out of my closet and put it on, but without the sleeves, so it was hanging around my chest like a towel.
i tried to get something out of my cabinet next to the sink and had knocked everything out onto the floor. i climbed out of bed and stumbled and swayed to take out my contacts, only to realize that i'd taken them out already. then i sat on my bed and ate an entire container of tuna salad.
apparently it was hilarious.
i lost one of my favorite necklaces last night (specifically, the one i pick up boys with) and i like to pretend i'm not attached to my material possessions but i'm pretty pissed about it
also, the pad thai i paid 63 kroner for tonight was atrocious. come on, denmark
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