
Saturday, February 6, 2010

mere og mere kedelig

it's raining again.

when it cleared up after the last time it rained, i was driving west on the ten on the twenty-second, the day before my brother's wedding, when i saw double rainbows. the feebletwin rainbow quickly disappeared, as they are wont to do, but its brother was the biggest band of rainbow i had ever seen. it was an arch over los angeles so hale it had to be a solid. no matter your supernatural inclinations or lack thereof, a robust rainbow can inspire spirituality and the oogie boogies of the beyond in anyone. the cars on the freeway kicked up the water as they sped along, and there were big rainbows in the sprays of water behind each car's back tires. those were cars looking jet-powered by magic.

pleased with my new lamp.
too much junk on the floor.

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