
Saturday, July 10, 2010

eleven days

Det lyder spændende med verdensudstillingen. Hvad skal du lave? jeg glæder mig til at den slutter, så at danmark kan få Den lille Havfrue tilbage. Vi er mange, der er meget utilfredse med, at den er blevet sendt til Kina. Den lille Havfrue skal stå i København.

"Norwegians and Swedes, they speak with what is literally a mild form of a tonal language, a singsong language, while Danish is literally different from that ...They're sort of aware that their language sounds a little strange a little bit funny...What I need to do is almost contract my diaphragm and sort of hold my air in and speak very much from the back of my throat as if part of my mouth is almost slightly numb, or paralyzed. It's strangely not difficult to do that but it does produce an odd sound."

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