
Tuesday, October 18, 2011

этот...как его

bitch vs. beach, penis vs. pennies

stern-looking armenian girl in my shot
last night the topic of class discussion was Los Angeles - what are good things about los angeles, and what are the bad? we went over the importance of not pronouncing beach as bitch and repeated them out loud together to practice. perhaps a little too excited for an exercise i could actually do, i think i was saying beach and bitch a lot more assertively than anyone else in the class. our teacher asked the US-born students if a man can also be called a bitch. we said yes. 

one of my favorite people in the class is Nelly, a Russian woman with startling blue eyes, extremely expressive face, and playful girlish demeanor. she's always whispering to me and trying to teach me phrases that i might not know. Nelly's favorite thing about Los Angeles is Hollywood Men, a male strip club. Nelly says these голливудские мужчины don't just take off their clothes, they really put on a show. when her sister visited from moscow, they didn't go to disneyland - they went to Hollywood Men. this got the other women in the class excited and they needed to know where it is, if there's a cover, etc. Nelly kept exclaiming, "Очень очень рекомендую!" (I really really recommend it!)

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