
Thursday, June 7, 2012

jenner eats everything

this week jenner ate my underwear and granola bars. these days i've been spending a lot of time with my housemates: the siblings Mr. and Miss Tomb and The Eternal Bachelor. one week ago we dined at a fancy French restaurant, Comme Ça, where we drank fancy cocktails that were savory, instead of sweet. i tried escargot for the first time. in the past i'd never been able to bring myself to eat it because when i think of snails i think of the way they stick their heads out of their shells and then slowly push out their eye stems, with their little eyes popping out at the very last. this time, however, i was very brave and i ate one, no problem, and it was okay, not really delicious. and then i ate another and mid-bite i was overwhelmed with revolted and had to suppress the sudden urge to heave. if you are what you eat, i am two reluctant snails. last night we stayed up past my bedtime drinking bloody marys and wine while the boys tinkered with recording impromptu and surprisingly good songs on an ipad.

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