
Saturday, February 9, 2013

chinoiserie day

this morning i was riding in a limo when i realized my leg was covered in tiny tiny spiders. i was clutching a large branch of rosemary that, unbeknownst to me, was covered in tiny tiny spiders. i rolled down the window and let them crawl on my fingers and shook them out the window and then tossed the branch out.

last night my mom's texan cousins picked me up and we had italian food and then they insisted on taking me to a bar even though they don't drink. i had a beer and they had root beer.

tonight bagel's great-aunt's ex-husband was the most entertaining man at the dinner table. he is an eight-year-old old-school dallas texan with a thick thick drawl who talked about the time he caught a five-and-a-half-foot catfish, being out of the house and supporting himself at age fifteen, and about different ethnicities moving in to dallas and making different kinds of foods that he's never seen before and ... "yeah ... I like it!" He called bagel's brother-in-law "a fine specimen" and asked if there was a brain to go with that physique.

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