
Thursday, May 9, 2013

wisteria and leaf

maybe it's the wine, or the fact that i've hardly slept all week, or that i've listened to harry mancini's baby elephant walk until my brains have completely melted, but i think i finally have a version of this code that i really like and actually performs consistently. 

earlier tonight i printed these to present tomorrow even though i didn't like them very much, because 8pm was the latest printer slot i could book. they're supposed to be two leaves on eaves or summat like that/ the more that i look at the second sketch the more it looks like a disgusting earwig or centipede.

however, now that it is 1:45am i have these, which are much better, imo (and don't need to be fixed in photoshop to cover my inability to perform algebra shh). too bad they won't be on paper.

last night rothy and i worked on our video game project until 4am. we were taking a break sitting on her stoop when it started to rain and soon water was pouring out of the sky. a drop of rain put out her cigarette. in order to avoid trekking through bushwick in the dead of night in the gushing rain, i slept on her air bed, a floaty cloud of her boyfriend's lung air. i left the world with my contacts in and my floral jeans on and woke up a hazy three-and-a-half hours later, when i resumed the numbers game with the aforementioned sketch. i think i will get up at 6 tomorrow to make my non-existent presentation.

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