
Thursday, January 2, 2014

Mystical vortexes

I'm here in Sedona where today I took pictures of deer, sat in a jacuzzi, drank two glasses of wine, got a massage, then ate babyback ribs and had a huge margarita. I feel very pampered and non-religiously blessed.

Something I've learned today is that Sedona is a New Age mystical mecca, where people come to experience "energy vortexes," where the earth is "breathing energy in and out."

"A vortex is a place of concentrated energy that people can sense."

"These vortexes are subtle energy centers where spiritual and psychic powers are enhanced."

"The energy resonates with and strengthens the Inner Being of each person that comes within about a quarter to a half mile of it. This resonance happens because the vortex energy is very similar to the subtle energy operating in the energy centers inside each person."

It must be vortex energy that's making me fall in love with every young man I see, from our hotel valet to our dinner waiter.

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