
Saturday, January 31, 2009


last night i did laundry by myself for the first time ever. 
i'd never encountered one of these front-loading machines before and it had a portal through which you could watch your laundry. i stood in front of the machine and felt overwhelmingly like i was in minnie's house in toontown. the washing machine squirts a minimal amount of water on the dirtyclothes and then starts spinning the clothes in the barrel. they kind of keep flopping around inside the barrel, the machine pauses, and then they start flopping again. i was surprised to discover that the process is nowhere as sudsy and watery as i'd always imagined. i always thought it was like a big bath. however, in fact, the clothes are in a damp, matted heap and they go tumbling around supposedly getting clean. myth de-romanticized. did not observe drying as there was no portal. 

Friday, January 30, 2009


if you are American, people will ask you who you voted for just to make sure


standing up makes my knee go thumpa-thumpa

bedridden in copenhagen

status: alive

bike shop man re-chained devilbike and didn't even charge me for it. he doesn't know if the bike is entirely fixed. gears, blah, blah, gears. definitely the best bike guy though. and his shop is right around the corner from me. i've been singing his praises to everybody.

i ended up hobbling to bingo because...well, who wants to miss out on bingo, dammit. naturally, i didn't win shit.

i am listening to taylor swift and eating nutella.
voice is not back yet. frustrated.

the knee is not so good. good if i need a softball for a knee. i was temporarily worried that i'd have to go to the hospital, but i think it'll be fine on its own. fucking knee. i'm lying in bed with a bag of ice on it. but the ice makes the rest of me cold so i have to hide under a blanket.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

i'm missing bingo night

today i fell off my bike. bike is in the shop and i am in the bed.

my bike chain came off. whether this is the cause of my fall or a result of my fall, i'm not entirely sure. i'll probably tell people the former but the truth is probably the latter because i am retarded.

i was biking across the street when all of a sudden i was no longer on my bike but on the ground.

as i walked my broken bike home with my broken body, i thought of some positive notes.

i didn't get hit by a car and consequently didn't die.
i didn't break any bones.
i didn't embarass myself in front of the entire exchange student body, only my ever-compassionate bathroommate, pia.
i fell to my right while wearing my purse on my left, hopefully sparing my digital camera (let harm fall on me before my cam.)
umm...i didn't die.

bike is undergoing some work at the shop and will be picked up at 6 pm. apparently he has a space in his gears (result of old age) which may be the cause of the chain falling, so putting the chain back is no guarantee from future incident. im paying 85 kroner for this repair, but i'm not sure if i'll have the guts to ride the contraption again.

in the meanwhile, i'm in need of some work as well. my left hamstring and side-of-calf are pretty beat up. the worst is my right knee, which took the brunt of the fall. it's swollen into two bloodylumps. naturally, all serious injuries of this sort have to take place on my loose, pure bone kneecap. i wish i had some ice for it. i'm glad i didn't look at it until i got home. it's one of those things where it feels okay until you look at it and kind of gross yourself out and start to feel panicky and weepy for no good reason. i think i will be bedridden for at least the night, with a hobble break to pick up devilbike.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

wednesday afternoon

In Copenhagen, there are bird nests in all the trees.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

quarantine, day 2

i'm in my room again, for the second full day. self-imposed quarantine due to sickness. phlegm of the lungs, inactivity of the brain, lone-wolfishness of the soul. i am meting out my swigs of cough syrup. i only have a single bottle to get me through this harsh winter.

they say that it is coldest in february and that it is light sixteen hours a day in the summer. i'd like to see the latter.

i find that i really dislike food preparation. let me be the foreman of a cheesecake factory anyday. all this sauteeing bores me and i hate slicing. i say this as if these are things i have been doing. my stale bread and half bag of dry cereal mock me from desktop.

off to do laundry for a very tall boy.