
Friday, July 23, 2010

the great firewall

there's some serious vpn magic going on right now. helloooo bloggins.


yuliya said...


Yuri-Alex Niso said...

While the chinese government CAN NOT see what sites you visit while on a VPN they can see that you are using VPN. Just make sure that use of VPN in Shanghai is legal or if it's not that they don't crack down too much.

Yuri-Alex Niso said...

Also, because you're on my USC VPN, USC rules still apply. No bittorrent, no P2P anything, and no porn.

Yuri-Alex Niso said...

oh! right, so if you DO want to dl music or something, just as me and I'll bt it and email it your way.

everyman said...

looooooooooool ahaha
no i am being very well behaved

feel free to send me any and all music, actually, since i'm not on my laptop and have all of 100 songs that i was able to steal before leaving. so sad no muzak