
Thursday, December 30, 2010

embrace, be humble

how do people live alone? mrs. tuckersman left yesterday afternoon for her holidays in Bordeaux and i have been going crazy in an empty apartment. i ate carl's jr. i ate yoshinoya. i phoned buca - she says there's snow in ny. i listened to that new nelly song. i tried to unlearn the russian phonetic keyboard layout and become a proficient of the default keyboard instead. this made my head hurt so i remedied by watching toddlers and tiaras, extreme couponing, my strange addiction, and moscow doesn't believe in tears. i went out into the silver lake night and bought a hand-packed pint of gelato (european yogurt pumpkin swirl, toffee, and almond fig) and shivered all the way back to my car as the container pressed its cold to my body through my purse. my life shouldn't be any different because i'm living, thankfully temporarily, alone, but it makes me agitated and i hardly know what to do with myself. we festively wrapped our air conditioning unit with wrapping paper for christmas 2009 and it has been loudly breathing in and out crinkled breaths all night like a monster.


yuliya said...

you have PERFECTLY captured the way i feel when you leave me.

so jealous of your jealato pint. almond fig!

everyman said...

i think the toffee might be the best one. but i can't tell because they're all the same color and melded together.