
Sunday, December 25, 2011


the other day ma and i were christmas shopping in orange county. on our way home, traffic on the freeway was so bad that we decided to get off at the next exit and have dinner. we ended up at this strange empty little chain restaurant no one's ever heard of before called "fish-o-licious." we ordered two fish tacos, the fried catfish platter, and a brownie. i was wary because this looked like a place that would give a person food poisoning. we ate the entire brownie waiting for our food and i think it might have been the best brownie i've ever had. and then the big ol' catfish and tacos came and they were shockingly so good. you could just break chunks of the catfish off and it was really hot and juicy and savory inside. and it came with really good salad and really good sourdough bread. if you ever see a fish-o-licious, i recommend going in.
anyways, what i really wanted to point out is that while we were eating, ma kept talking about "german monique's fish." she described how german monique's fish is prepared and sold. i couldn't figure out who german monique was for a long time until i finally realized that she was referring to Germany's Munich and her recent trip to europe. 

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