
Thursday, December 20, 2012

happy christmas

So many new stores on Melrose Boulevard. I'm at Starbucks, waiting for Bagel to get off of work so we can celebrate Christmas tonight with mexican food at La Barca and exchange gifts before he leaves for TX. I really like the gifties I got him and want to steal them for myself.

I've been a real crab for the past few days but things are somewhat better put into perspective after receiving this e-mail today:

I will be undertaking a blood test next Wednesday to see if I can be a match for this man. The Be the Match website says that there's about a 1/12 chance of being a good match after the test results are analyzed. If you are the best match for the person, the doctor decides whether you need to undergo PBSC or bone marrow donation. PBSC donation is when they inject you with a drug called filgrastim for five days straight and then filter your blood coming out of one arm and going back in through the other arm  for six hours. Bone marrow donation would involve full anesthesia and surgically drawing bone marrow out of your pelvic bone. I'm really hoping that I can do it.

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