
Monday, June 1, 2015

forest spirits

Uggg I'm going to try to make a comeback from my recent period of silence. The uncertainty of my life has been feeling sort of demotivating. I recently discovered that the key to enjoying the weekend is to do as little as possible. When you spend most of it lying around, it feels like it lasted a hearty length of time. If you go galavanting around, it feels like it never happened at all.

This morning I woke up unnecessarily early, so I visited the nature preserve by my house for the first time. It was really serene walking on a flat, easy trail guarded on both sides by saw palmetto. With every step I scared away unseen animals in the bushes, sent scrabbling with terror at the sound of my approach. I could never see them; I could only hear their violent thrashing and it felt like I was in a Miyazaki forest.

A person I know took this delightful photo of a perhaps perfect weekend spent on a platform boat in Venice, CA

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