
Monday, September 20, 2010

aquarium day photoblug

after the pearl tower, the next most famous buildings are the world financial center (left) and the jin mao tower (right). people are pretty evenly split into two camps in regards to which is their favorite. i side with the bottle opener.
hank josiah and i went to the shanghai ocean aquarium. i remember seeing the construction plans for this aquarium three years ago, when i visited a much jankier shanghai aquarium out in the middle of nowhere, as opposed to this expensive structure right in the middle of the city.
i saw the giant chinese salamander. look at the face on that thing! like a monster.
one thing i found disconcerting was that many of the animals looked like they were in containers too small for them. the dejected babies killed some of my joy.
this escalator went through a tank. rad.
sawfish. gnarly.
afterwards, we went for a stroll along the Huangpu.
i commissioned a 20 RMB (2.9749 USD) portrait of hank for our living room.
last night we went go-karting. i tripped going up the stairs and landed on my knees, which are looking terrible. the boys have driving bruises.
two nights ago, i was totally off my face when i played with this dog at kedi.

1 comment:

yuliya said...

escalator, fantastic! and the one of you + doggie is gorgeous!