
Saturday, September 11, 2010

coincidences at the flying elephant

went to dinner at a russian restaurant in puxi and was seated next to a table of old danish men. talked to one named knud. realized one of the kazakhs from the village was seated at the table diagonally. we exchanged awkward what are you doing here glances.


yuliya said...

poor danes have to eat russian because they don't have their own cuisine!

Unclutterist said...

Why awkward? I have to say, I find it amusing that Americans often find very regular social situations (by standards of people pretty much all OTHER THAN Americans) to be rather awkward and cannot figure out precisely how to deal with me. Why is that so?

I am not talking about ALL Americans, of course. But, I have watched this phenomenon with so many people and have heard some funny stories.

everyman said...

what on earth are you talking about