
Saturday, September 25, 2010


i have reached a zero-tolerance policy for chinese people who tell me that i am not an American. being an asian-american here is like being a second-class citizen. in limbo - not a real american and not a real chinese person either. i do not know why it is that when you anger a chinese person (ie by making him wait to enter the next show instead of this one) he retaliates by attacking your nationality and thereby, your authority. a man yelled at me this morning and i yelled back. a friend commended me for my restraint (for not socking him in the face as he deserved) but i do not feel like i was restrained at all. on the flip side, a younger, unaffiliated man subsequently apologized for the crazy motherfucker and the abusive tirade. every day we come home exhausted and talk about how the chinese people treat us bad.

besides that, i had a very nice day at work.
we ate at shishman again and the turkish manager man giggled all over the place when he didn't know how to answer our questions in english. also spent three hours sitting on a fence talking to the bao an about dead bodies we've seen, places we'd like to visit, the mid-autumn festival in their home province anhui, siblings, hair dye, fights they'd been in, american halloween, how they can't afford girlfriends or to get married, how the company that employs them takes 3/4 of their paycheck. conclusion is that it is difficult to be a young man in china.

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