
Tuesday, October 26, 2010


rex said that in shanghai, the weather turns instantly from summer to winter, skipping fall entirely. it was so outrageously cold today, somewhere between 11° and 15°, that i wore sneakers, socks, leg warmers, a 3/4-sleeved shirt, shorts, a miniskirt, two jackets, a sweatshirt, and a fauxfur hat. and i bitched the entire time about the biting cold. sea dragon explained that there are two kinds of cold - the kind that chills your skin at the surface, and the kind that cuts to the bone. shanghai is the latter. i didn't know it gets this cold here. all the baoan were frozen and hopping from foot to foot because they are skinny chineseboys and their uniforms are pieces of chinashit made in the fabric market. one baoan was literally red-nosed from cold. after a mediocre day at work, we went to an incredible party at the dutch pavilion. i thought they would leave us outside in the cold with the sheep, but the party was very generously held in the crown - their VIP lounge. the golden bricks were each emblazoned with VIP and we were gifted with drink vouchers, which we managed to secure multiples of. the eclectic dj/house music was beyond excellent and i saw all my favorite people - hamburg germans, general germans, odense danes, sascha наш russian bartender, lithuanians, and the kazakhs. the kazakhs said, you look like you could be kazakh, which i think means, you look asian but bigger. they decided i need a kazakh name, which bek chose for me. afterwards, spent ages begging a delivery truck to take brandy and me to gate 4, the gate we need to get home from. they delivered us eventually, but too late, so that we missed the second bus home and had to walk all the way.

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