
Tuesday, October 12, 2010

puppy patrol do-gooding

body hurts from digging trenches for habitat for humanity in the rain with shovels and pickaxes. hand hurts, back hurts. we were completely covered in mud. we unearthed centipedes and earthworms and broken bowls. all the people in the area spoke a completely unintelligible (to me) form of Old Shanghainese, and an old lady talked to me for a solid three minutes as i nodded at her. the family had a very large pig with moist contracting and dilating nose, little piggies, baby goats, and bitty puppies. when we finally got back to shanghai we had our first and last party at our pavilion. big turnout. one of the kazakhs, whom i'd accosted at the last australia party, came up to me and said, you should have told people in our pavilion that you can speak russian. i said, why? i'm really bad. he said - we are very interested in people who can speak russian.

olivia was just doing stretches on the floor, downward-dog sort of stuff. i can't even imagine moving my body like that right now. we did this horrible brick-passing stuff yesterday and my right bicep feels like it's being stabbed by a sharp knife.

our boys
i once asked them what's up with the peace signs. they said they don't know, they've just been doing it since they were kids.

1 comment:

Yuri-Alex Niso said...

And that's why we of LA scorn charity.