
Thursday, September 6, 2012

new york day twelve

yesterday i had my first skype session home. i felt heart pangs seeing friends and the house and the dogs again. then, in the evening, i sat in a car for the first time in almost two weeks. i went out with friends in prospect heights and was mentally agonizing about how i would find my way home afterwards when frank said he had his boss' car nearby. we took a scenic drive through brooklyn and i'd never been so grateful for the quiet, intimate pod travel that is transport by car. after i was dropped off in front of the apartment, on the stoop i met the girl who lives in the apartment across from mine. she told me the best place to buy cannoli in the neighborhood, where to get lobster rolls, and that though our neighborhood is safe because it's protected by the mafia, still not to walk down our street because that's where the shootings happen.

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