
Friday, November 5, 2010

last night chiang mai hospitality

just when i thought i couldn't see more dreadlocks in thailand, i went to a reggae bar in chiang mai. we were supposed to meet with the younger brother of our elephant tour guide, but we got lost following his hand-drawn map and arrived thirty minutes late. when we finally found the place, asking several people of the whereabouts of place in questionable thai pronunciation, he was no longer there. an english boy attemped to hit on me and brandy in thai - we responded in the best imaginarythai that we could muster.

later, we finally found the thai boy, eddy, whom we'd been looking for. your standard american boy would have assumed he'd been stood up,but eddy'd waited for us and then went looking for us at our hotel when we didn't arrive on time, and had come back to the reggae bar two more times before actually finding us. we played a disastrous game of pool with him and his tiny friend mario before they dropped us off at our hotel on their motorbikes. eddy promised to never forget me the way the sun does not forget the day and the moon does not forget the night and then he offered to buy me medicine because i was coughing so bad.

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