
Tuesday, November 2, 2010


it's strange to have blog access without a vpn. bangkok isn't very beautiful but the food here is wowdelicious. we can't help but think that we may have left shanghai a little too soon. i spend the first bit of every trip homesick. today we head to chiang mai.

Hi Val,
Thanks for the birthday dinner in advance. Have a fun and safe trip to Thailand.
By the way, noticed a notice from Taiwan that the Taiwan government is warning travelers to avoid going to the southern part of Thailand because of flooding or disease spraying. I don't recall exactly, but don't out too far from the capital Bangkok. Anyway, be careful when you are in Thailand. Don't buy strange things in Thailand especially local medical products, such as snack oil ... etc.
Have fun!


piggy said...

snack oil!!! something my mom also says a lot :)

everyman said...

why is your mom always talking about snack oil

Anonymous said...
